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Hearth Heating Alternatives LLC
About Hearth Heating Alternatives
I decided to form Hearth Heating Alternatives LLC after teaching woodshop for a few years. I was sending students to the dumpster with 55 gallon drums of sawdust on a regular basis. I wanted to find a use for this sawdust instead of simply disposing it in a dumpster. As my ideas progressed, I wanted a way to continue helping my parents with their heating requirements. I liked the convenience of a wood pellet stove; however, my parents owned a tradition wood burner. Since wood pellets are made from sawdust produced by saw mills and any other type of wood processing company, I decide to try making my own "pellet bricks" using a small hydraulic press. After much experimenting and great consideration, I decided to set out and try to find a company that already manufactured these sawdust firewood bricks. Shortly there after, I became a retailer dealer for Enviro-Brick and Hearth Heating Alternatives LLC was formed.
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